Get a chance to win a Glamma Momma shirt! Your choice of design, size and color.
Which among the 7 designs of Glamma Momma shirts, will be worn in the fashion show of the upcoming Multiply Shopping Party 2011?
You have 3 chances of winning! How to join:
Thru Facebook (1 entry):
1. Like Shopping Spells and Glamma Momma in Facebook
2. Go to the Glamma Momma photo album (in any of the two pages) and tag yourself on the shirt you vote for and leave a comment.
Thru Multiply (1 entry):
1. Add Shopping Spells and Glamma Momma as a contact.
2. Go to the product listing of the Glamma Momma shirt (in any of the 2 multiply accounts) you vote for and leave your name and comment.
Thru This Blog (1 entry):
1. Leave a comment in this blog by saying which shirt you vote for.
In case nobody voted for the shirt which will used in the fashion show, winner will chosen among all who voted. Deadline of votes is on October 18 at 6pm. Winner will be drawn thru Random.Org and will be announced on October 19 in Facebook, Multiply and in this blog.
* Open for Philippine residents.
* No need to choose which color, just the design.
* Voted shirt may be different from the preferred shirt (for the winner).
* Free shipping of shirt.
Don’t forget to also grab a chance to get an invite to the Multiply Shopping Party! See above photo. Hope to see you there!
I love the “mommylicious” shirt. Applies to all moms!!! Red shirt is a very strong color that represents prosperity and joy. Ofcourse Red is the color of love. And all moms are overfloying with love for their family. 😀