Before Mark and I got married, we usually talk about when we’ll have kids. We were telling each other that we want to spend time as a married couple for a year before being a parent so that we can enjoy each other’s company without the responsibility yet of having kids. By the time we tied the knot, we changed our minds. If we will be blessed with a baby at once, then so be it. In God’s will, three months after being married, I conceived 🙂 Our first-born Kirsten Chelsea was born last November 2, 2008. Kelsea, as what we call her, is such a gift from heaven for us and we’re very thankful that we’re starting a family. We are already blessed.
 I have a few “couple” friends who are still waiting for their angels. Two of them (both boys) are my colleagues who have been married to their wives for about 4 or 5 yrs already. A lot of times they’re being joked around by other colleagues about not capable of having a baby or “mahina”. They reply with a witty answer but I know deep inside they’re ego are hurt. So as i refrain from making such remarks but instead give them encouraging words. A very close friends of ours who’ll celebrate their 2nd year anniversary is also in the process of trying to conceive. They super love my daughter and I thank them for that. My hubby and I, together with the rest of our friends, always pray that the good Lord already bless them with their baby soon. We want our kids to be barkadas as well 🙂 So many questions in their minds but only God knows the answer. The only thing I know is that their angel will be given to them on the right time. To my dear friends, don’t lose hope. Hang on and keep the faith in God!
I’ll be waiting for my next angel in a year or two 🙂
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